Sun Microsystems Support Service mission/target market Sun's "Open Service" strategy is to deliver the best service and support solutions through an alliance of Sun, Sun partners, and self- maintenance. However, the identity of the service provider is transparent to the customer and is always presented as direct from Sun. The biggest areas of service partnering is in hardware service and education support. Network and software support is more often delivered directly by Sun engineers, or as a team of experts that include Sun engineers and engineers from network partners. This paper focuses on network support services. Additional support offered by Sun includes: o Standard support service o Comprehensive support service o Onsite support o Software support service o Installation o Phone support o Access line to diagnostic software o Consulting Services offered o Network support services This service falls under Sun's professional and educational services portfolio. SunStart Net offers a standardized network startup program for new and upgraded systems. SunStart Net service includes network design, planning, and installation. Under this program, Sun field engineers manage the custom installation of the network by procuring network components, installing and certifying the physical network cables and components, and contracting with third-party installers and vendors. Sun provides network administrator coaching through its Systems Consulting Services. Sun System Consulting Services include network configuration and multivendor inter-networking. Courses that involve networks are Managing Your Network, Network Application Development, and Sun Workstation Installation and Networking. Education is available for end users, application programmers, hardware maintenance, systems programmers, and graphics programmers. Courses are available at Sun locations or at the customers facility. o SunService 2000 Sun recognizes the need to offer direct onsite support for many SPARCcenter 2000 commercial customers. SunService 2000 provides 24x7 hour onsite service with customized SE training and support. Sun said this level of support will be available in selected areas but did not specify the exact geographic area. o Sun Integration Service Along with SunService 2000, Sun also recognizes the need to provide direct system integration service to many key accounts. Traditionally Sun relied on third parties like Andersen Consulting and EDS to be the prime contractor but Sun now has found a small group of professionals to take primary responsibiity when necessary. Service delivery Sun has strategic support partnership agreements with over 500 technical/network (consulting) engineers delivering network support services. From Selling Against the Competition Competitive Binder, 5091-6465E, 9301 Associated files: sunspt.doc, Sun Microsystems Support